Friday, August 26, 2011

Monoton27 sudah ke indeks sama google

      Halo sahabat monoton27, dengan rasa senang saya menulis artikel ini dan saya pun bangga untuk menceritakan dan berbaginya kepada teman semua kalangan.
       Ini adalah salah satu impian saya yaitu mbah google mengindeks artikel-artikel atau bacaan yang saya tuliskan dan saya yakin bukan saya saja yang memimpikan seperti itu tapi para blogger yang ada di dunia maya juga semuanya pasti menginginkan karyanya di lihat dan bisa di nikmati oleh orang banyak juga.
        Sekian banyak usaha yang saya keluarkan dan tak sedikit waktu dan materi yang saya habiskan untuk membuat blog saya bisa di nikmati oleh orang banyak dan juga kreatifitas saya tak lupa juga di nilai serta di lirik oleh para pengunjung blog itulah semangat saya untuk terus dan terus berkarya lagi.
       Kini akhirnya blog monoton27 sudah di indeks dalam pencarian google, awalnya saya tidak yakin kalo blog saya bakalan bisa di cara oleh mbah google, eh pas saya coba sendiri ternyata bisa menjawab semua pertanyaan dalam hati saya dengan hasil yang lebih memuaskan. Dan saya bahagia karena banyak pengorbanan untuk blogku dan sudah terbayar semuanya dan tidak sia-sia juga perjuangan ku untuk mendirikan monoton27.
       Presiden monoton27 mengucapkan banyak-banyak terimakasih untuk para pengujung setia monoton27 dan relawan visitor dan tak lupa juga saya ucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada sahabat blogger yang ada di dunia maya khususnya Indonesia yang tak bisa saya ucapkan satu persatu, karenanya selalu mendukung dan memberi pengarahan kepadasaya.
Ok saya akhiri cuap-cuap dari saya dan maaf jika ada kata-kata yang kurang bekenan di hati dan menyinggung pembaca ,karena saya tidak punya maksud untuk pamer, ria sombong atau menyakiti hatipembaca.. kekurangan hanya milik kita semua dan kesempurnaan hanya milik tuhan pencipta maha segala.
Wassalammualaikum wr.wb

Cara mengatasi masalah tanpa masalah

Cara mengatasi masalah tanpa masalah( Pegadaian Donk).. heheheee
Halo sobat-sobat dunia maya dimanapun anda berada, syukur alhamdulilah sampai saat ini kita masih bisa berbagi pengetahuan.
Ok langsung saja, mungkin anda pernah merasakan kesulitan-kesulitan yang tak pernah kita duga. Mungkin saya bisa berbagi tipsnya.
Gimana caranya? Baca terus ya sampai akhir.!!Ok cekidott langsung TKP.
1. Yang pertama yaitu Identifikasi masalah, misalnya kenapa masalah ini bisa sampai timbul.
2. Hadapi masalah dengan kepala dingin, karena semua masalah pasti ada jalan keluarnya
3. Terus ingat sama yang di atas , minta petunjuknya karena semua masalah datangnya darinya dan berpulang kepadanya pula
4. Cari jalan keluar atau langkah untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang kita hadapi

Masalah itu bagaikan benang yang kusut, jika kita jadi orang yang pintar, yang sedikit demi sedikit secara tlaten mencoba meluruskan dan memilah benang yang kusut tersebut, pasti tuhan memberi mukzijat dan akan memberi hasil dari apa yang kita kerjakan .. dan masalah pun akan kelar alhamdulilah, karena kalau kita ada usaha pasti ada jalan keluar .
Tapi begitu pula dengan sebaliknya, kalau kita punya benang yang kusut terus lantas meninggalkannya, maka selamanya juga akan jadi kusut dan tak akan pernah ada perubahan.
Mungkin menurut saya masalah itu dapat di atasi dengan 1 cara yaitu KEYAKINAN ,ingatlah allah tidak akan memberi cobaan di luar batas kemampuan kita jadi hadapilah masalah dengan sabar dan jangan lupa beribadah kepada Allah SWT.

Ok sekian dulu tips cantik dari saya kurang lebihnya saya pribadi mohon MAAF yang sebesar-besarnya kekurangan hanya milik kita semua dan kesempurnaan hanya milik Allah SWT, semoga bermanfaat dan nambah pengetahuan anda tuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang sedang anda hadapi.
Saya akhiri, wassalamwr.wb


Cara Mengatasi Masalah Pada Ponsel

Ok langsung saja saYa jelaskan ,Seperti sobat ketahui sekarang banyak model handphone-handphone terbaru dengan fitur-fitur yang canggih.
Ok lagi, pernahkah handphone anda mengalami masalah ???terjatuh, nyemplung ke air, terinjak dan masalah-masalah yang lain yang pernah anda hadapi pada handphone anda sehingga membuat handphone anda mengalami masalah. Nah pada kesempatan kali ini penulis ingin berbagi tips mengatasi ponsel yang sangat bermasalah sehingga butuh penanganan X-TRA !.
mungkin tipsnya hanya 1 yaitu, mau tahu???
Baca dan ikuti terus jejak saya atau anda bisa add facebook penulis yaitu z4.z4nk@ymail.coM
Ok deh daripada penasaran mending tak kasih tahu aja kepada pembaca setia monoton27 yaitu hanya 1 tipsnya di LEMBIRU (di LEMparBelI yang BAru) Di jamin 100% handphone anda tokcer, gw kasIh garansih dah .

Sudah sekian dulu ya tips cara mengatasi masalah pada ponsel dari saya yang super simple dans ingkat soalnya penulis mau MUDIK dulu sudah kangen sama keluarga di kampong halaman, tak lupa pula sang kekasih tercinta dan tersayang
Sekian dan terimakasih ,wassalammualaikumwr.wb

Sumberdanpenulis : FAJAR FADILAH PRATAMA
Tggal / Hari : Jumat, 26- agustus- 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Top Hits Music September 2011 : Hip-Hop and R&B, Latin ,Dance/Club Play

Top Hits Music September 2011 

Here the list of Top Hits Music September 2011 , Week of September 06, 2011 base on  billboard charts:

Top Hits Music :  Top Hip-Hop and R&B Songs September 2011

1. DJ Khaled Featuring Drake, Rick Ross & Lil Wayne - "I'm On One"
2. Kelly Rowland Featuring Lil Wayne - "Motivation"
3. Miguel - "Sure Thing"
4. Lil Wayne - "How To Love"
5. Miguel - "Quickie"
6. Jay Z Kanye West Featuring Otis Redding - "Otis"
7. Beyonce - "Best Thing I Never Had"
8. Nicki Minaj - "Super Bass"
9. Big Sean Featuring Kanye West & Roscoe Dash - "Marvin & Chardonnay"
10. Big Sean Featuring Chris Brown - "My Last"

Top Hits Music : Top Latin Songs September 2011

1. Don Omar - "Taboo"
2. Pitbull Featuring Ne-Yo, AfroJack & Nayer - "Give Me Everything"
3. La Original Banda el Limon de Salvador Lizarraga - "Di Que Regresaras"
4. Romeo Santos - "You"
5. Julion Alvarez y Su Norteno Banda - "Olvidame"
6. La Adictiva Banda San Jose de Mesillas - "Te Amo y Te Amo"
7. LMFAO Featuring Lauren Bennett & GoonRock - "Party Rock Anthem"
8. Mana - "Amor Clandestino"
9. Jennifer Lopez Featuring Pitbull - "Ven A Bailar"
10. Intocable - "Prometi"

Top Hits Music : Top Club Play & Hot Dance Songs September 2011

1. Kylie Minogue - "Put Your Hands Up (If You Feel Love)"
2. Beyonce - "Best Thing I Never Had"
3. Yoko Ono - "Talking To The Universe"
4. Blush Featuring Snoop Dogg - "Undivided"
5. Britney Spears - "I Wanna Go"
6. Rihanna - "California King Bed"
7. Depeche Mode - "Behind The Wheel 2011"
8. Nicole Scherzinger Featuring 50 Cent - "Right There"
9. Mayra Veronica - "Freak Like Me"
10. Enrique Iglesias With Usher Featuring Lil Wayne - "Dirty Dancer"

Top Hits Music September 2011 : Pop, Rock, Country

Top Hits Music September 2011

Here the list of Top Hits Music September 2011 , Week of September 03, 2011 base on billboard charts:

Top Hits Music: Top Pop Songs September 2011

1. Katy Perry - "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F)"
2. LMFAO Featuring Lauren Bennett & GoonRock - "Party Rock Anthem"
3. Britney Spears - " I Wanna Go"
4. Nicki Minaj - "Super Bass"
5. Hot Chelle Rae - "Tonight Tonight"
6. Pitbull Featuring Ne-Yo, AfroJack & Nayer - "Give Me Everything"
7. OneRepublic - "Good Life"
8. Bad Meets Evil Featuring Bruno Mars - "Lighters"
9. Lil Wayne - "How To Love"
10. Maroon 5 Featuring Christina Aguilera - "Moves Like Jagger"

Top Hits Music : Top Rock Songs September 2011 

1. Red Hot Chili Peppers - " The Adventures Of Rain Dance Maggie"
2. Foo Fighters - "Walk"
3. Foster The People - "Pumped Up Kicks"
4. Theory Of A Deadman - "Lowlife"
5. Foo Fighters - "Rope"
6. Seether - "Country Song"
7. Coldplay - "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfal"
8. Staind - "Not Again"
9. Avenged Sevenfold - "So Far Away"
10. Blink-182 - "Up All Night"

Top Hits Music : Top Country Songs September 2011

1. Dierks Bentley - " Am I The Only One"
2. Brad Paisley Duet With Carrie Underwood - "Remind Me"
3. Lady Antebellum - "Just A Kiss"
4. Jake Owen - "Barefoot Blue Jean Night"
5. Luke Bryan - "Country Girl (Shake It For Me) "
6. Kenny Chesney Featuring Grace Potter - "You And Tequila"
7. Zac Brown Band Featuring Jimmy Buffett - "Knee Deep"
8. Rodney Atkins -"Take A Back Road"
9. Toby Keith - "Made In America"
10. Keith Urban - "Long Hot Summer"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cara Menghapus Kiriman Di Facebook

     Hao sahabat monoton, gimana kabarnya nih??? alhamdulilah sehat pastinya ( kalo nggak sehat, nggak bisa donk baca artikel ini )
     pada postingan kali ini saya mau berbagi pengetahuan pada sahabat semua yang membaca tentunya.. langsung saja pada intinya  Cara Menghapus Kiriman Di Facebook dari temen anda , baik itu berupa gambar , video , dan juga mp3 yang tidak anda inginkan kehadirannya. anda bisa menghapusnya, bagaimana caranya??? ikuti terus langkah saya, ok cekidott.
  1. yang pertama yang harus anda lakukan adalah login dahulu ke facebook dengan memasukan usename dan password yang anda miliki.
  2. setelah anda masuk, anda tinggal klik data file yang anda ingin hapus dari facebook anda.
  3. kalo anda sudah klik, langkah selanjutnya adalah anda tekan tombol CTRL + F atau bisa juga tekan F3
  4. setelah itu anda ketik nama Facebook anda pada kolom kecil di bawah sebelah kiri dari pandangan kita.
  5.  terus kalo muncul tulisan yang di blok, sesuai dengan apa yang anda ketikkan tadi, terus anda tinggal klik tulisan HAPUS TANDA yang ada di sebelah kanan nama facebook anda.

   setelah anda klik dan selesai deh .. dan lihat hasilnya !!> file yang anda tidak sukai tadi sudah tidak ada dalam facebook anda.,sekarang selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil .

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chris Brown - "She Ain't You"

Top Hits Music :   Chris Brown - "She Ain't You" Video, Music Lyrics and Music Downloads
Top Hip Hop Songs August 2011

Chris Brown - "She Ain't You" Lyrics

you make it hard for me to see somebody else
i’m calling her your name yes mixed up, cause i’m thinking about you
… for babe, i never wanted us to break up, no not this way
but you don’t understand it girl
she touches me, i’m wishing that they were your hands
and when i’m with her it’s only about the sex
with you i had a bad romance, and if i could just trade her in i would
cause nobody can pass you up no
yeah, i think i better let her go, can’t leave you alone
baby …i’m with her, all i want is you
i wanna leave but i’m afraid, that you don’t even feel the same
now i realize, that she ain’t you, she ain’t you
oh no no no no, oh no no no
na na na na na
she ain’t you, oh no no no
cause she ain’t no she ain’t

i’ve been sleeping out, the … are nice now
it’s not the same in my bed
but if she found out what’s going on in my head
it will be all bad, have me right back, but she don’t understand it girl
she touches me, i’m wishing that they were your hands
and when i’m with her it’s only about the sex
with you i had a bad romance, and if i could just trade her in i would
cause nobody can pass you up no
yeah, i think i better let her go, can’t leave you alone
baby …i’m with her, all i want is you
i wanna leave but i’m afraid, that you don’t even feel the same
now i realize, that she ain’t you, she ain’t you
oh no no no no, oh no no no
na na na na na
she ain’t you, oh no no no
cause she ain’t no she ain’t
i think i better let her go, can’t leave you alone
baby …i’m with her, all i want is you
i wanna leave but i’m afraid, that you don’t even feel the same
now i realize, that she ain’t you, she ain’t you
oh no no no no, oh no no no
she ain’t you, oh no no no
na na na na na
cause she ain’t no she ain’t you.

MP3 Downloads Chris Brown - She Ain't You

Lil Wayne - "How To Love"

Top Hits Music :   Lil Wayne - "How To Love"  Video, Music Lyrics and Music Downloads
Top Hip Hop Songs August 2011

Lil Wayne - "How To Love" Lyrics

[Lil' Wayne]

You had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love

You had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love

For a second you were here
Why you over there?
Its hard not to stare, the way you moving your body
Like you never had a love
Never had a love

When you was just a young’un you’re looks but so precious
But now your grown up
So fly its like a blessing but you can’t have a man look at you for 5 seconds
Without you being insecure
You never credit yourself so when you got older
It’s seems like you came back 10 times over
Now you’re sitting here in this damn corner
Looking through all your thoughts and looking over your shoulder

See you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love

See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love

For a second you were here
Why you over there?
Its hard not to stare the way you moving your body
Like you never had a love
Had a love

You had a lot of dreams that transform to visions
The fact that you saw the world affected all your decisions
But it wasn’t your fault
Wasn’t in your intentions

You the one here talking to me
You don’t wanna listen
But I admire your poppin bottles and dippin’
Just as much as you admire bartending and stripping
Baby, so don’t be mad
Nobody else trippin
You see a lot of crooks and the crooks still crook

See You had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love

See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love

See I just want you to know
That you deserve the best
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful

And I want you to know, you’re far from the usual
Far from the usual

You see you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love

See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love

See you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love

See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love

MP3 Downloads Lil Wayne - How To Love

Friday, August 5, 2011

Cara Meningkatkan Pageview Pada Blog

     jadi begini ang, mau lebih jelasnya baca dan ikuti terus langkah dan trik saya... cekidottt.
karena saya orangnya tak suka berbelit-belit jadi langsung saya pada pembahasannya.

     Cara Meningkatkan Pageview Pada Blog yaitu caranya sebagai berikut :

1. anda harus install dulu add ons nya "catatan " hanya berlaku pada mozilla Firefox.. untuk menginstall klik tulisan ini
2. kalau sudah menekan tulisan nya, anda pilih tulisan " continue to download " trus anda pilih " add to firefox"
3.  terus akan muncul tmpilan " install now" anda klik yng itu ... terus klik lagi "restart" .
4. bagi anda yang bener-bener mau mengikuti langkah dan trik ini, silahkan anda tinggalkan alamat blog anda, dengan menggunakan fasilitas yang sudah di sediakan.!! " wajib."
5. bagi yang sudah berkomentar, saya ucapkan terimakasih dan silakan untuk lanjut.
6. lalu yang anda harus lakukan adalah COPAS (COpy PASte ) link di bawah ini :
             ALAMAT BLOG ANDA
7. oya link yang di atas itu adalah alamat blog saya, jgan di close duluya,. "bukan pemaksaan tapi kesadaran diri"
8. terus setelah anda sudah kopas yang point 6 , anda klik kanan sembarang tempat,terus anda pilih "RELOAD EVERY " terus pilih "custom" dan di isi " 2.00" saja untuk kecepatan standar..
9. nah anda lakukan kanan lagi pada sembarang tempat terus klik reload every dan klik "enable all tabs".

,,.,.      Nah selesai dch trik Cara Meningkatkan Pageview Pada Blog ..

anda tinggal liohat hasilnya saja "saran saya sih anda lakukan ini sebelum tidur , karena lebih banyak waktu dajn tinggalkan saja komputer anda biar mozilla sendiri yang mengatur" dan sistem ini tidak bisa langsung memunculkan perubahan, butuh waktu beberapa jam minimal 2 jam..

ok, selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Lady Antebellum - "Just A Kiss"

Top Hits Music : Lady Antebellum - "Just A Kiss" Video, Music Lyrics and Music Downloads
Top Country Songs August 2011

Lady Antebellum - "Just A Kiss" Lyrics

Lyin' here with you so close to me
It's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe
Caught up in this moment
Caught up in your smile

I've never opened up to anyone
So hard to hold back when I'm holding you in my arms
We don't need to rush this
Let's just take it slow

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
No I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight

I know that if we give this a little time
It'll only bring us closer to the love we wanna find
It's never felt so real, no it's never felt so right

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
And I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight

No I don't want to say goodnight
I know it's time to leave, but you'll be in my dreams

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
No I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright, oh, let's do this right, with just a kiss goodnight
With a kiss goodnight
Kiss goodnight

MP3 Downloads Lady Antebellum - Just A Kiss

Zac Brown Band Featuring Jimmy Buffett - "Knee Deep"

Top Hits Music : Zac Brown Band Featuring Jimmy Buffett - "Knee Deep" Video, Music Lyrics and Music Downloads
Top Country Songs August 2011

Zac Brown Band Featuring Jimmy Buffett - "Knee Deep" Lyrics

(feat. Jimmy Buffett)

Gonna put the world away for a minute
Pretend I don't live in it
Sunshine gonna wash my blues away
Had sweet love but I lost it
She Got too close so I fought it
Now I'm lost in the world tryin to find me a better way

Wishin' I was
Knee deep in the water somewhere
got the blue sky, breeze and it don't seem fair
the only worry in the world
is the tide gonna reach my chair
Sunrise, there's a fire in the sky
never been so happy
never felt so high
and I think I might've found me my own kind of paradise

Wrote a note, said "Be back in a minute"
Bought a boat and I sailed off in it
Don't think anybody's gonna miss me anyway
Mind on a permenant vacation
The ocean is my only medication
Wishin' my condition ain't ever gonna go away

Now I'm knee deep in the water somewhere
Got the blue sky breeze blowin' wind thru my hair
Only worry in the world
is the tide gonna reach my chair
Sunrise, there's a fire in the sky
never been so happy
never felt so high
and I think I might've found me my own kind of paradise

This champagne shore watchin' over me
It's a sweet sweet life livin' by the salty sea
One day you can be as lost as me
Change your geography and maybe you might be

Knee deep in the water somewhere
got the blue sky breeze blowin' wind thru my hair
only worry in the world
is the tide gonna reach my chair
Sunrise, there's a fire in the sky
never been so happy
never felt so high
and I think I might've found me my own kind of paradise

Come on in
the waters nice
find yourself a little slice
grab a bag
pack it ligth you'll never know until you try
when you lose yourself
you find a key to paradise

MP3 Downloads Zac Brown Band Featuring Jimmy Buffett - Knee Deep (Feat. Jimmy Buffett)

Jason Aldean - "Dirt Road Anthem"

Top Hits Music : Jason Aldean - "Dirt Road Anthem" Video, Music Lyrics and Music Downloads
Top Country Songs August 2011

Jason Aldean - "Dirt Road Anthem" Lyrics

Yeah, I'm chillin' on a dirt road,
Laid back swervin' like I'm George Jones.
Smoke rollin' out the window,
An' ice cold beer sittin' in the console.
Memory lane up in the headlights,
It's got me reminiscing on them good times.
I'm turning off of real life, drivin' that's right,
I'm hittin' easy street on mud tires.

Back in the day Pott's farm was the place to go.
Load the truck up, hit the dirt road.
Jump the barbwire, spread the word.
Light the bonfire, then call the girls.
The king in the can and the Marlboro man.
Jack'n'Jim were a few good men.
Where ya learned how to kiss and cuss and fight too.
Better watch out for the boys in blue.

And all this small town he said, she said,
Ain't it funny how rumors spread.
Like I know something ya'll don't know,
Man that talk is gettin' old.
Ya better mind your business, man, watch your mouth,
Before I have to knock that loud mouth out.
Im tired of talkin, man, ya'll ain't listenin',
Them old dirt roads is what ya'll missin'.

I'm chillin' on a dirt road.
Laid back swervin' like I'm George Jones.
Smoke rollin' out the window,
An' ice cold beer sittin' in the console.
Memory lane up in the headlights,
It's got me reminiscing on them good times.
I'm turning off of real life, drivin' that's right,
I'm hittin' easy street on mud tires.

I sit back and think about them good ole days.
The way we were raised, and our southern ways,
And we like cornbread, and biscuits,
And if it's broke round here we fix it.
I can take ya'll where ya need to go,
Down to my hood, back in them woods.

We do it different 'round here, that's right,
But we sure do it good, and we do it all night.
See, if you really wanna know how it feels,
To get off the road with trucks and four wheels,
Jump on in, and man, tell your friends,
We'll raise some hell where the blacktop ends.

I'm chillin' on a dirt road.
Laid back swervin' like I'm George Jones.
Smoke rollin' out the window,
An' ice cold beer sittin' in the console.
Memory lane up in the headlights,
It's got me reminiscing on them good times.
I'm turning off of real life, driving that's right,
I'm hittin' easy street on mud tires.
Thats right.

Yeah, I'm chillin' on a dirt road.
Laid back swervin' like I'm George Jones.
Smoke rollin' out the window,
And ice cold beer sittin' in the console.
Memory lane up in the headlights,
It's got me reminiscing on them good times.
I'm turning off of real life, drivin' that's right,
I'm hittin' easy street on mud tires.
Thats right.

MP3 Downloads Jason Aldean - Dirt Road Anthem

Foo Fighters - "Walk"

Top Hits Music : Foo Fighters - "Walk" Video, Music Lyrics and Music Downloads
Top Rock Songs August 2011

Foo Fighters - "Walk" Lyrics

A million miles away
Your signal in the distance
To whom it may concern
I think I lost my way
Getting good at starting over
Every time that I return

I'm learning to walk again
I believe I've waited long enough
Where do I begin?
I'm learning to talk again
Can't you see I've waited long enough
Where do I begin?

Do you remember the days
We built these paper mountains
And sat and watched them burn
I think I found my place
Can't you feel it growing stronger
Little conquerors

I'm learning to walk again
I believe I've waited long enough
Where do I begin?
I'm learning to talk again
I believe I've waited long enough
Where do I begin?

For the very first time
Don't you pay no mind
Set me free again

To keep alive a moment at a time
But still inside a whisper to a riot
To sacrifice but knowing to survive
The first to climb another state of mind
I'm on my knees, I'm praying for a sign
Forever, whenever
I never wanna die
I never wanna die
I never wanna die
I'm on my knees
I never wanna die
I'm dancing on my grave
I'm running through the fire
Forever, whenever
I never wanna die
I never wanna leave
I never say goodbye
Forever, whenever, forever, whenever

I'm learning to walk again
I believe I've waited long enough
Where do I begin?
I'm learning to talk again
Can't you see I've waited long enough
Where do I begin?

I'm learning to walk again
I believe I've waited long enough
I'm learning to talk again
Can't you see I've waited long enough

MP3 Downloads Foo Fighters - Walk

Monday, August 1, 2011

Buku Tamu

Buku Tamu dan Link Exchange

Untuk agan2 yang ingin bertukar link, bisa memasang link-nya di chatbox dibawah ini. jangan lupa juga memasang di blog agan link . Bisa juga memasang link agan di kotak komentar di bagian bawah. Sebelumnya diharapkan juga join blog ini di google friend connect yang ada pada sidebar kanan . Enjoy...!